Adam Robert David: Pizza, yogurt, teen with a machine gun

Armed with a weapon that appeared to be an MP5 machine gun, a Montgomery County teenager allegedly held up a Kiwi Yogurt store in Upper Providence and a Domino’s Pizza takeout in Radnor, according to police, who said a baby-faced suspect has confessed.

Adam Robert David, 18, of Pottstown, is charged with holding up the dessert stop in Upper Providence on July 30 and the pizza joint in Radnor, as well as stealing a car from a Chester County home three weeks ago which he used in the first robbery. As for the machine gun, it turned out to be a look-alike BB gun.

“They are made to appear to be the real thing, so when you’re a victim of a crime like this and you see the barrel of that gun pointed at you, you are going to be terrified,” District Attorney Risa Vetri Ferman said.

Ferman didn’t know what motivated David to allegedly choosing a sudden path to crime, but said he gave the money to his 16-year-old girlfriend. Investigators arrested David last Thursday at the North Coventry Mall. They have recovered the handgun and the stolen vehicle, but are still looking for the assault rifle-style gun, which they believe David may have taken from a family member.