‘Blogger-Tax’ amendment moves forward

As mentioned in today’s paper, City Council’s committee on finance chatted about a proposed amendment to the bill Councilman Bill Green introduced to ensure those who blog for no-to-little profit don’t have to file a return provided they submit certification that they make less than $3,000.

Tilahun Afessa, the Revenue Deparment’s director of policy, planning and outreach, proposed a different amendment after saying that Green’s would create confusion and “problems for taxpayers and the department.” A brief exchange led Green to say, “all we’re doing is shifting the burden of proof [that someone blogging as a hobby/non-profit] of making under $3,000 from the taxpayer to the Revenue Department.”

The Committee passed Green’s amendment with a favorable recommendation. It’ll be up for first reading at the next full Council meeting. Nobody else testified.

Metro will have at least a brief story in tomorrow’s paper.