Carl Lewis Kicked Off Ballot … Again

A federal opinion issued today removed former Olympian Carl Lewis from the ballot for New Jersey state Senate.

A three-judge appeals panel reaffirmed the district court order against Lewis that he does not meet the residency requirements of having lived in the state for at least four years.

It also rejected Lewis’s claim that the residency requirement infringes on fundamental rights.

“It is unfortunate that the voters of the Eighth Legislative District
are being denied a meaningful choice in this election by today’s
decision,” Lewis’s lawyer William Tambussi said in an email today. “The extreme measures taken by the Republican Party to keep
Carl Lewis off the ballot truly do a disservice to the voters.”

The same three-judge panel voted in Lewis’s favor nine days ago, but reheard the case Tuesday and reversed their decision this morning.

Lewis is reportedly investigating what legal options are left available to him.

He has been battling for the right to run for office since he announced his candidacy in April.