The Battle of the Bolarises

Per Twitter archives, faux weather presenter John Bolaris introduced himself online New Years Day 2010 with the simple, “See, I was right about the storm of the century. It finally happened just before Christmas. I didn’t say what Century did I?” A pedestrian quip, to be sure; weather forecasts are often wrong and weather presenters often have egos, with Bolaris leading the pack, get it?

The subsequent year and a half has seen Tweets about the relative attractiveness of interns, Viagra, roofies, Alycia Lane, Anthony Weiner, the whole South Beach “do shot” fiasco and, yesterday, a plea to build on a 132-follower base.

Granted, they all appeared under the disclaimer stating “This Twitter account is satirical,” but that last one came about because real weather presenter John Bolaris responded with a non-satirical account of his own June 30. He’s since Tweeted about fireworks forecasts and Twitter virginity. Pedestrian, but useful (albeit easily spun to represent something it isn’t) stuff.

Per Dan Gross’s report this morning, faux weather presenter John Bolaris can expect to hear from real weather presenter John Bolaris’s attorney, Chuck Peruto. If Bolaris responds to an email sent to his real Facebook account, I’ll update this post later today. However, asked what message he’d like to send the unknown fake Bolaris, real Peruto this morning responded, “Get a life.”

So, for public-service edification for those with nothing better to do with their time than monitor Twitter wars: “Emmy award winning meteorologist at Fox 29” John Bolaris is @John_Bolaris and “still look(s) hot thanks to modern science John Bolaris” is @JohnBolaris.