Two plus two equals a degree

You can save money on a bachelor’s degree by starting at a community college and transferring to a four-year school. But the school you want to transfer to may not accept those classes unless the four-year school has an agreement with the community college.

With transfer agreements, the four-year school agrees to accept general education classes or classes for a particular major. Community College of Philadelphia, for instance, has agreements with more than 30 schools.

Of course, you don’t get that credit unless you’re accepted to the four-year school. One way to do that is through a dual-admissions program. With dual admissions, the student signs a letter of intent, agreeing to maintain a certain GPA and complete an associate’s degree, and the four-year school agrees to accept the student.

“It’s win-win,” said Peter R. Jones, senior vice provost at Temple. “The student takes the right classes, and the school plans better so the needed classes are available.”

“If it weren’t for these agreements,” he added, “a lot of students would run out of steam or money, or both, before graduating.”

Temple is next stop in dual programs

In Philadelphia, many dual-admissions participants head to Temple University next. “Last year, out of 1,575 students entering from community colleges, 306 came through dual-admissions programs,” said Temple’s Jones.

Full-time dual-admissions students are eligible for a special scholarship. Those entering Temple with GPAs between 3.3 and 3.64 are eligible for $1,000 per year for up to three years. Those with GPAs between 3.65 and 4.0 can get $2,000 per year.

Follow Judy Weightman on Twitter @JudyWEdu.